
An anti procrastination app.

Concept for a solution that supports people setting and achieving daily goals without stressing. The purpose is to remember people (even if we all know it) that it's good to get rid of a thought and that the satisfaction that comes from it is the fuel that powers motivation, ultimately preventing from procrastination. 


What do I focus on? Time management and awareness, social and psychological aspects that promote procrastination, and the role of personal satisfaction in countering it. 

Problem: People struggle with procrastination.

Quick Analysis of existing products

Sorted by type of anti-procrastination approach 


Who do I address? 

  • people who have to manage their time independently because they are not subject to rigid organizational structures
  • people who intentionally postpone desires or commitments in their free time.  

Hugo is one of three personas I refer to. The figure of the self-employed or freelancer represents a large community of people. These professionals have to shape their time autonomously on a daily basis not having structures set by an employer. For this group of people optimizing time is particularly important.

What revolves around procrastination?

I defined the key themes for the concept development by ordering various aspects related to the subject and outlining the path and sequence that connects them. (See notes)

  • Positive path: from SET GOALS to ENERGY 
  • Negative path: from Dissatisfaction to Procrastination 

How can the solution interact with people?

The concept is meant to work on a smartphone. This offers different ways to interact with the user; Visual, auditory and mechanical (vibration). Here a brainstorming on various ways to keep the person engaged by accompanying him/her in achieving goals and thus generate satisfaction for a completed task. 

The ideal loop

Happy path of actions/interactions and experiences  the user has to perform in order to reach her/his goals. Starting tasks and finishing them without procrastination. 

Message the solution must convey:


«Hey just do it, because after got rid of that task you'll feel lighter and energized to set new goals looking forward with positivity.»

What are the concept's main functions?


«Are we aware of how much we do each day? Do we congratulate ourselves on the goals we achieve no matter how small they are? Too little! LightenUp guides us to rediscover the satisfaction that comes from achieving our goals. Because satisfaction motivates and pushes to set new targets, the feeling of lightness linked to it and the desire to experience it over and over again is the best weapon to fight procrastination. »

Visual inspirations

How to convey "feelings" and metaphors critical to the user experience? What imagery do I want to trigger? 


Core idea

Lighten the mind from postponed thoughts and activities to make it "fly" again.


Balloon = People's mind  

Task = Weight block 


Here some inspirations chosen for this purpose.

Wireframing and interactions

Start a task in LightenUp - From the wireframes to Hi-Fi UIs

Graphic concept and accessibility

Sizing, color palettes and attention to contrasts to allow as many people as possible to have the same experience.

Hi-Fi UI (right) filtered with Sim Daltonisme to simulate a colorblind view of the interface.

Task acquisition - Happy path user flow

Prototype demo

Welcome, task acquisition and execution user flow demo

Test the prototype

Without instructions or by following the steps shown in the demo.

Work in progress.

Test the concept is the most interesting part of the design process to confirm or disprove assumptions and information derived from research and interviews. Does the concept work? Do we need to start over? Not easy to prove in pandemic times. Work in progress!